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August 2022

Greetings Friends!

I've been thinking a bit about the motivation that drives me to paint. I can't speak for all artists but I suspect they've experienced the same sense of frustration at some point when things aren't going in the right direction or happening as quickly as you'd like them too. My inspiration at these times is Vincent Van Gogh, and he has this to say about doubting yourself:


'While I'm working I feel an unlimited confidence 

in art and that I'll succeed, but on days when I'm overcome by

doubt, I try to get over [that] by immediately setting to work.'

                      -- Vincent Van Gogh


And along with that, I also rely on some good music and a glass of wine! 

Have a blessed day and whatever you do, never ever give up!





July  2022

Hello all!

Here's a crazy trying to tell you something about making art! I'm not an expert, and I'm not even sure my art is good enough to put 'out there', but here goes... It seems appropriate to begin by sharing my own inner angst about 1) creating an artist web site, and 2) asking people to look at it and maybe even (gasp) BUY something!! So there, I've said it. It will soon be out there in the universe for millions of people to see (ok, it's likely just going to be a handful of people and most of those will be my family!) So, where to start?

More than anything, I really just want to say "thank you" for checking in and taking a look around! I also want to share a little bit about the things that inspire me! I love color, texture, collage, mixed media and the natural environment...mountains, cliffs, shorelines, valleys...even the flat terrain of the Texas Panhandle where you can see forever!  


Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if

it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make

even more art.

                                -- Andy Warhol

If you are a new or emerging artist, and you miraculously found your way to this page...then, the best advice I have for you is to just "get cracking" on it! Sound too simple? Honestly, simple is the right way to start. As a friend told me a long time ago, "just paint, Karen!" And you'll see in the Andy Warhol quote, that is his recommendation as well! Just paint! Wash and repeat! Any day in the art studio is a blessed day indeed!


Wine Sketch
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